[Interest] Not a single document on QPA?

Quim Gil quim.gil at nokia.com
Fri Jan 6 18:21:12 CET 2012

On 01/06/2012 07:43 AM, ext Jason H wrote:
> I'm interested in doing this. But there is zero documentation. I
> watched the talk at
> http://developer.qt.nokia.com/videos/watch/qpa-the-qt-platform-abstraction
>  But nothing is found in the help.
> Help?!

Actually there was a BoF at the Qt Contributors Day in San Francisco 
about the lack of documentation in Lighthouse / QPA:


Sorry, that's all I know about this topic.  :)  If you don't get answers 
here it is licit to ask in the [Development] mailing list since this is 
a Qt Project documentation problem. Or you can file a bug directly to 
track better the process. It's a question that I've heard many times.


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