[Interest] UIKit setup

Jon Ander PeƱalba jonan88 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 15:29:47 CET 2012


My employee is interested in using Qt for some of it's iPhone and iPad apps
and I'm trying to test how much is supported.
The problem is I've haven't been able to even compile it.

This are the exact steps I've followed (Qt is downloaded
to qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0):

mkdir qt-lighthouse-ios-simulator
cd qt-lighthouse-ios-simulator
../qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0/configure -qpa -xplatform
qpa/macx-iphonesimulator-g++ -arch i386 -developer-build -release -opengl
es2 -no-accessibility -no-qt3support -no-multimedia -no-phonon-backend
-no-webkit -no-scripttools -no-openssl -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-odbc -no-cups
-no-iconv -no-dbus -static -nomake tools -nomake demos -nomake docs -nomake
examples -nomake translations

And this the error I get:

The OpenGL ES 2.0 functionality test failed!
 You might need to modify the include and library search paths by editing

I saw in the Qt Labs Developer Blog that this might happen if you have an
old version of the SDK, but I have version 4.3 and I've checked all the
paths in mkspecs/qpa/macx-iphonesimulator-g++/qmake.conf

Any idea of how to solve it or what could be causing it?

Thanks in advance,
Jon Ander
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