[Interest] Qt audio visualizer?

Murphy, Sean M. sean.murphy at gd-ais.com
Tue Jul 3 21:33:00 CEST 2012

I'm looking for an audio visualizer widget that I can plunk down inside my Qt app.  Ideally it would be just audio amplitude vs. time like the top plot in this image: http://media.rhizome.org/blog/8070/diagras.jpg.

I need to do this on a Mac first and foremost, so I know I could probably find something in CoreAudio that might help, but I'd prefer to do it in something more portable.

I found Audelicious, which is written in Qt, but it looks like that is geared for a Nokia N900, and specifically relies on the ALSA sound libraries.  It might be possible for me to twist that into what I need - not sure if ALSA will work on Mac?  But if there is something more ready-made for cross-platform Qt, I'd rather start there...

Any ideas?

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