[Interest] AudioInput example app noticable very sluggish on Mac

michael.goddard at nokia.com michael.goddard at nokia.com
Thu Jul 5 07:05:00 CEST 2012

Hello again,

On 5/07/12 10:44 AM, "Goddard Michael (Nokia-MP/Brisbane)"
<michael.goddard at nokia.com> wrote:

>Hi Mark,
>On 4/07/12 11:41 PM, "ext Mark" <markg85 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Does anyone know what's going wrong in the Qt app on Mac?
>>> I did see this bug:
>>> but that doesn't seem to be the issue i'm having.
>>> Details:
>>> Qt 4.8.1
>>> Mac OSX Lion fully updated
>I've tried it with Qt5 and don't see this issue.  I'll take a look to see
>if there's many code changes (I don't think soŠ).  Perhaps you could
>report a bug with more information (hardware, list of audio devices
>reported etc?)

So it does seem that varying the input format (thanks Arun) can result in
these pauses (and frequent under runs).  Not sure why yet, but the default
application did not have these problems for me.  Can you provide more
information on your system in a bug?


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