[Interest] Nokia SDK vs. Qt Commercial SDK

David Ching dc at dcsoft.com
Thu Jun 14 20:53:05 CEST 2012

Thank you Konrad for the in-depth response, and also a shout to Andre.  I
much appreciate it.  

Now that I have a good idea of the current state, I must say I don't like
the fragmentation that has occurred.  When Nokia was "in charge" the
LGPL/GPL was the same source as Commercial, and everything was included.
Even before when Trolltech was in charge, the GPL was a subset of
Commercial, but the subset that was there was exactly the same code.  Now we
are not guaranteed the same bug fixes (and eventually probably not even the
same API's).  

I actually have several projects, some could go Commercial now, and some
not.  While I don't expect a major problem, it does mean multiple Qt
versions installed to support all the different projects.

I also miss the pre-built binary packages that used to contain the latest
source releases, that were immediately usable, and in most cases, actually
shippable.  I needed to build Windows Qt because of SxS issues, but the Mac
Qt was OK pre-built.  As it happens, I am interested in taking the latest
Windows Accessibility fixes in 4.8.2, and now I have to build all the
platforms myself to get those.

I do appreciate the promise that community contributions will have more
impact now, and perhaps I will need to get more involved with that since
that is what Qt is all about now.  But coming from a Microsoft background, I
really did like the support Nokia provided for free.  You could almost
forget Qt was open source, and now you cannot.


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