[Interest] Why QString and not std::string?

Charley Bay charleyb123 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 19:26:18 CEST 2012

> >>> >  But it's standard and it is C++.
> >> But (I think) the point was: what should have we used for the last
> >> 10-15 years of QString?
> >
> > I could've been a bit clearer in my initial post, but I intended to know
> > if there was currently any reason that justified having QString around
> > instead of simply using what's already included in C++'s standard
> > library.

The thread has talked about historic reasons, including support of UTF-16,
and historic non-standard availability of STL, how QString is copy-on-write
(explicitly not allowed by std::string), and how "wide-string" is not

These are rational, but since they are "historic", one could argue they
avoid the central question of, "Why use QString going forward?"

I *really* want to get back to "Item-Four", which was "QString expanded
interface" where you can do things (parsing, etc.) that are not in the
"std::string" interface.

IMHO, the std::string interface is absolutely insufficient crap.  Any
implementation that crashes with the following:

  std::string my_string;
  my_string = NULL;  // crash??!!

...those developers should be taken-out-back-and-shot.  Their bodies
burned.  Their names to not be spoken again.

IMHO, I would absolutely never use std::string:

(1) Its interface is too minimal (insufficient)
(2) Its implementation is limited
(3) It does not support real-world-unicode use

That's my venting because for over a decade I never understood why people
thought std::string was an acceptable component.  IMHO it's absolutely
useless.  And dangerous.  I don't care if I'm the only one on the planet
with my conclusion, but IMHO, std::string is
absolutely unusable insufficient crap.

If you remove QString, I'll just wrap the string-class-of-choice into a
"MyString" class that is minimally acceptable to do what "std::string"
should have done.


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