[Interest] How do i copy the QML files to debug folder without adding make install?

Mark markg85 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 16 22:07:45 CEST 2012


If one makes a Qt Quick application you get a whole bunch of special
code inside a .pri file that copies the QML files to the debug/release
location _without_ having the need to add a make install. That is
exactly what i want to have, but i don't want to have the massive .pri
file nor is my app a "Qt Quick Application". I just want to copy a QML
file after compilation to the DESTDIR and somehow that seemingly
simple thing is close to impossible QMake.

Can anyone help me with this? I'm trying this from Qt Creator and
Windows but obviously it needs to work in Linux a well.

I tried the solution in here:
(the one with the QMake function) but that is also not working.

Kind regards,

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