[Interest] How do i copy the QML files to debug folder without adding make install?

Till Oliver Knoll till.oliver.knoll at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 00:02:02 CEST 2012

Am 16.06.12 23:39, schrieb Harri Pasanen:
> ...
> and if you replace copy with a system specific macro, symlink copy to
> cp, or something similar, you can make it work on both.

And if you place those custom commands into proper qmake "scopes" in 
your *.pro (see qmake documentation for proper identifier) like

linux {
   // linux-specific commands
} macx {
   // Mac OS X specific commands
} win32 {
   // Windows specific commands
} else {
   // generic commands

(not sure about above syntax - check Qt docs about qmake)

then that even works cross-platform :)

But again, for simple file-copy operations I'd prefer "make install" 
approach (already takes care of cross-platform copy-commands etc.)


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