[Interest] Qt on Windows Phone 8

Harri Pasanen harri at mpaja.com
Thu Jun 21 11:55:20 CEST 2012

On 06/21/2012 11:12 AM, song.7.liu at nokia.com wrote:
> So the developer can write the application with C++/XAML, C#/XAML, JS/HTML5, then how about the C++/QML pair? It seems to be similar with C++/XAML...
> Personally, I don't like this duplication...

To me XAML looks more like Qt .ui files.

> But if there are really good and massive Mobile apps written by C++/QML, it would be worthy to support Qt on WP8...
> Else if you start to write a new apps you can use the C++/XAML if you choose native code...

XAML is not cross platform, and you cannot develop on Linux.

It's not just about existing applications, but also future 
applications.  Some people like to bet the company on a platform with 1 
percent market share and bad track record in mobile space, but 
personally I like to hedge my bets.   How many "good and massive" mobile 
apps are being started for Windows 8 only, compared to iOS or Android?

In Qt world there are exiting grass roots projects like Raspberry Pi,  
developing Android support.   Who knows what will come out of those.   
When something great comes out,  it will then be the moment either smack 
your head saying "I wish we had supported Qt", or smile and say "good 
thing we supported Qt"


PS.  http://mpaja.com/Mopedi  is one "good and massive" Qt app for 
symbian, I know, I wrote it ;).   I'd like to think my other apps are 
less massive but still good.

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