[Interest] Dynamically Resizing the height of a Row in a QTableWidget or QTableView

Michael Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 15:49:05 CEST 2012

On Jun 26, 2012, at 5:43 AM, André Somers wrote:

> Op 25-6-2012 22:35, Michael Jackson schreef:
>> Is it possible to dynamically set the row height based on the amount of text that needs to be displayed? We are trying to display some error messages in a table and some of the messages are very short (just a few words) and some of very long (lots and lots of words). Can this be done with a QTableWidget or should we move to a QTableView and custom model? Does anyone have any example code?
>> Thanks
>> ---
>> Mike Jackson
> Yes, that can be done. It does not matter if you use QTableView or 
> QTableWidget (though I think the latter is big mistake to have in Qt): 
> QTableWidget is based on QTableView, so it can do everything QTableView 
> can do.
> You can use the resizeRowToContents or resizeRowsToContents slots (note 
> the singular vs plural of the 'row' noun in those method names.)
> André

Hmm, I have tried that but nothing is really working. I have turned on "wordwrap", set the various properties for both the vertical and horizontal header but nothing seems to work. I think I may be going about this wrong. Basically I think I want a certain column to be a specific width (say 200 pixels) and then as the text that gets displayed in that column becomes too wide I would like the row height to be adjusted to show all of the text. So do I need to somehow set the column width to a fixed size?

Mike Jackson

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