[Interest] qt.conf

Tony Rietwyk tony at rightsoft.com.au
Tue Mar 20 14:17:43 CET 2012

Hi Graham, 


As others have confirmed, the libs library path set in qt.conf cannot be
used to redirect where Qt is loaded from - worse, it may not have any
relationship to the running dll's!   


If the defaults of the other locations (like plugins) works for you, then
there is no need to install the qt.conf file at all.  ;O)






From: Graham Labdon [mailto:Graham.Labdon at avalonsciences.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 20 March 2012 9:50 PM
To: Tony Rietwyk; interest at qt-project.org
Subject: RE: [Interest] qt.conf


Thanks for your reply

Does this imply that qt.conf cannot be used with windows?

Is this situation the same on Linux?

What CAN qt.conf be used for?




From: Tony Rietwyk [mailto:tony at rightsoft.com.au] 
Sent: 20 March 2012 10:40
To: Graham Labdon
Subject: RE: [Interest] qt.conf


Hi Graham, 


Windows doesn't know anything about the qt.conf file.  So the Qt code itself
has to be running before it can read the file.  When you install on another
machine, you can add the lib path to the PATH variable, or copy the lib
dll's into the exe's folder, or use a script file to setup the environment
and call your exe, or...


Hope that helps, 





Sent: Tuesday, 20 March 2012 8:44 PM



I am trying to use the qt.conf functionality

In my qt.conf file I have the following 



prefix = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\AcquisitionSoftware\\Qt
<file:///\\AcquisitionSoftware\Qt> "


Running the app through the debugger I can use QLibraryInfo to verify that
Qt is recognising the presence of the conf file



QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::LibrariesPath) returns C:/Program Files


However running the application on a machine without Qt installed fails as
it cannot locate QCore4.dll


Note that on the target machine the folder C:/Program Files
(x86)/AcquisitionSoftware/Qt/lib exists and contains QCore4.dll


Is this a known problem or am I doing something incorrectly?



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