[Interest] Where configure options have gone ?

Jordi Pujol pisoengracia at gmail.com
Wed May 2 10:36:46 CEST 2012

El dc 02 de 05 de 2012 a les 10:00 +0200, en/na Thiago Macieira va
> On quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2012 08.45.44, Jordi Pujol wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > 
> > Somebody can tell me where [-no-webkit] [-webkit] [-no-assistant-webkit]
> > [-assistant-webkit] have gone in Qt5's configure ?
> > 
> > I'm trying to recompile assistant with webkit enabled and I cannot do
> > it...
> The no-XXX options that have been removed are removed because you just need to 
> choose not to compile something. If you don't want webkit, then don't compile 
> qtwebkit.

Ok, you're right. For no-webkit makes sense at least.

> As for the assistant-webkit option, it's removed because assistant is moved to 
> qttools. Are you sure that it's not being built with WebKit already? 

Sure. Result for Qt 4.8.1 ldd for assistant :

jpujol at POR-2082:~/workspace/qt5> ldd
	linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fffd55ff000)
=> /home/jpujol/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/bin/../lib/libQtHelp.so.4
=> /home/jpujol/QtSDK/Desktop/Qt/4.8.1/gcc/bin/../lib/libQtWebKit.so.4

.... <more stuff >

the same for my Qt5 compiled version :

jpujol at POR-2082:~/workspace/qt5> ldd qtbase/bin/assistant 
	linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fff3cbef000)
=> /home/jpujol/workspace/qt5/qtbase/lib/libQtPrintSupport.so.5
	libQtHelp.so.5 => /home/jpujol/workspace/qt5/qtbase/lib/libQtHelp.so.5
=> /home/jpujol/workspace/qt5/qtbase/lib/libQtCLucene.so.5 

.... <more stuff, without QtWebKit appearing...>

And while compiling a nic -DQT_NO_WEBKIT appears inside g++ command
lines, so *YES* is compiled without webkit.

> If it isn't, it's a mistake and we'll gladly accept a patch to turn it back on.

I'll be glad too ;-P. I'm asking because I don't know how can I
reactivate webkit for assistant, not because I want to show an error.

The one that moved assistant to qttools can throw a bit of ligth about
what can I do ?

I've found this in assistant.pro, but don't know how to re-activate
webkit dependency ( QT.webkit.name is alñways empty ) :

!isEmpty(QT.webkit.name) {
    QT += webkit
} else {

If I try to force its use commenting that part and leaving only QT +=
webkit, it shows tbis message :

"Project MESSAGE: Warning: unknown QT module: webkit"

and doesn't compile. 

QT += webkit doesn't work from qttools ? Its a little bit strange.
Surely will be my mistake that makes qttools ignore qtwebkit, even if
compiled & present, but I'm stucked and cannot find what to do now.

Any clues ?


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