[Interest] Where configure options have gone ?

Lincoln Ramsay lincoln.ramsay at nokia.com
Thu May 3 02:46:11 CEST 2012

On 05/02/2012 06:36 PM, ext Jordi Pujol wrote:
> I've found this in assistant.pro, but don't know how to re-activate
> webkit dependency ( QT.webkit.name is alñways empty ) :
> !isEmpty(QT.webkit.name) {
>      QT += webkit
> } else {
> }

This means the webkit module was not built before the tools module was 

> Any clues ?

Build the webkit module first.

After building webkit, verify that qtbase/mkspecs/modules has a 
qt_webkit.pri file*. That's what sets QT.webkit.name and allows QT += 
webkit. This is installed by syncqt when you run qmake for the module.

Then build the tools module again but be sure to run qmake -r so all the 
.pro files are processed again (and they can see the now-available webkit).

* Note that I build without webkit so I _guess_ the file is called 
qt_webkit.pri. If that file does not exist, grep through the modules 
directory for a file that sets QT.webkit.name :)

Lincoln Ramsay - Senior Software Engineer
Qt Development Frameworks, Nokia - http://qt.nokia.com/

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