[Interest] New ICSNetwork Webcast Released - Qt and HTML5: The Best of Both Worlds

Lynn Gray lgray at ics.com
Mon May 7 17:40:40 CEST 2012

The latest ICSNetwork webcast, *Qt and HTML5: The Best of Both Worlds,* is
currently available for download at
www.ics.com/icsnetwork.<http://www.ics.com/icsnetwork> This
webcast describes HTML5 and how it can be used to develop applications,
both on its own and with the Qt toolkit.

*ICS is Offering Multiple Programming with Qt Classes*


May 21-25 - San Jose, CA

June 25-29 - Boston, MA

July 23-27 - San Jose, CA

Register here http://www.ics.com/learning/training/ or contact
sales at ics.com for
more information.
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