[Interest] Having two QDeclerativeContexts , setSource of one through the other?

Sivan Greenberg sivan at omniqueue.com
Wed May 16 16:46:43 CEST 2012

Hi Kai,

  I've noticed also we have a 'Loader' component in QML, isn't this
exactly what I'm trying to achieve by exposing QDeclerativeView
through the context chain? I want to be able to control the
positioning of the QML 'subview' and control its dimensions /
appearance from the controlling UI. Does it not mandate that I expose
the whole view object to the context - which if I'm reading right, is
exactly what  the Loader component is?

Many thanks,


On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 2:35 PM,  <kai.koehne at nokia.com> wrote:
> Sure. You can just expose the QDeclarativeView object in the context of the controller engine. Then you'd just need to set the 'source' property. Anyhow, you could as well use an indirection by exposing your own reload() function to the context ...

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