[Interest] Build webkit with QT for Embedded Linux!

Lata Agrawal lata.agrawal at enrouteinc.com
Fri May 18 11:22:01 CEST 2012


I want to display HTML5 pages using QTWebkit module. I am able to execute
the webkit application on Linux-x86 and it loads the HTML5 page perfectly
fine. But when I cross-compile the same application for Linux/MIPS device
and execute the app on device, it doesn't show anything.
I have cross-compiled Qt-everywhere-opensource-4.6.2 using
mipsel-linux-gcc-3.4.4 for Linux/MIPS device which also includes webkit
module. I have used following configure command to cross-compile:
./configure --opensource -force-pkg-config -embedded mips -platform
qws/linux-x86-g++ -xplatform qws/linux-mipsel-g++ -prefix
/usr/local/Trolltech/Qte-4.6.2-mipsel -qt-zlib -qt-freetype -qt-libjpeg
-qt-libpng -qt-kbd-tty -qt-mouse-tslib -little-endian -no-qt3support
-no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -L /home/lata/tslib/lib -I
/home/lata/tslib/include -nomake examples -nomake demos -no-javascript-jit
-exceptions -xmlpatterns -confirm-license -no-feature-cursor

I have the compiled webkit files in the resulting cross-compiled libraries.
Can anyone please help what I have done wrong? Do I have to include
javascript to get webkit app working?

-- Regards,
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