[Interest] MacOS 10.4 + QT 4.7.4 + my app linking error

Michael Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 06:12:00 CET 2012

Looks like some of the Core Apple Frameworks need to also be linked. The names of which are escaping me at the moment. I bet a quick google search would turn up the proper frameworks.

mike j.

On Nov 27, 2012, at 11:55 PM, Sergey <sh0375 at gmail.com> wrote:

> List of non-found by linker functions became less after linking with zlib.
> But these functions are still not found:
> _CFDataGetBytePtr
> _CFDataGetLength
> _CFDataGetTypeID
> _CFGetTypeID
> ___CFConstantStringClassReference
> _FrontWindow
> _GetCurrentProcess
> _SelectWindow
> _SetFrontProcess
> _ShowWindow
> What must I link additionally to find them?
> 27.11.2012 17:16, Konstantin Tokarev wrote:
>> 27.11.2012, 17:15, "Sergey" <sh0375 at gmail.com>:
>>> I didn't link with zlib at all.
>>> I solved problem adding this line to the pro file:
>>> include(...qt/4.7.4/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.7.4/src/3rdparty/zlib_dependency.pri)
>> Use -lz instead. Works for any Unix-like OS including Mac.
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