[Interest] QSqlTableModel - table name issue in Postresql

Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi mbnoimi at gmail.com
Mon Apr 8 23:03:38 CEST 2013

On 04/08/2013 03:00 AM, Tony Rietwyk wrote:
> Hi Muhammad,
> I don't know Postgresql at all.   I believe it is based on Oracle.
Oops!! you don't know Postgresql!!! It's not related to Oracle


> Your problem sounds like the table name was quoted in the create 
> statement, leading to the mixed-case table name being stored in the 
> database.   After that you must always quote the table name in any 
> sql, otherwise it gets converted to uppercase, and doesn't match.
> What was the create statement used for the table?
I don't think that create statement related to this issue because 
Postgresql forced me to use quotes... any way I'll give you the statement:

   id integer NOTNULL,
   name text,
   address text,
   image text,
   email text,
   CONSTRAINT"Persons_pkey"  PRIMARY KEY (id )
   OWNER TO postgres;

> What is the exact error message you are getting back?
" Unable to find table Persons"  

I used these line to get the above error message:

if  (!p_tableModel->select())
	qDebug() << p_tableModel->lastError().text();

Best Regards,
Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi

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