[Interest] Report designer for Qt

Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi mbnoimi at gmail.com
Tue Apr 9 01:24:14 CEST 2013

On 04/08/2013 04:59 PM, Ilya Diallo wrote:
> Feel free to ask me if you have questions about OpenRPT (code or 
> usage). The docs are a little bit outdated, some features are not listed.

 1. Can I use OpenRPT for MySQL without re-build Linux binary (I built
    QMYSQL driver under Linux and put it under sqldrivers folder but it
    didn't work)?
 2. How can I save any report to the database (current docs talks about
    xTuple only)?
 3. How can I send parameters from my applications?
 4. Where can I find a reference to MetaSQL?
 5. How switch any component layout Qt::RightToLeft/Qt::LeftToRight
    (currently it works just for LTR)?

> And please tell me if you start a Qt 5 port, i was planning to work on 
> it too.
Actually I started porting process but I paused it until I find best 
open source report designer (I'm confused which is better eXaro or OpenRPT).

Best Regards,
Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi

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