[Interest] Qt 4.8.4 support for Visual Studio 2012

Eric Clark eclark at ara.com
Wed Apr 10 21:32:25 CEST 2013

Hello All,

I was wondering if anyone knew whether or not Qt would be building 4.8.4 or any future release of 4.x.x using Visual Studio 2012? I know that Qt 5.x has builds for Visual Studio 2012, but we are not quite ready to port to Qt 5 yet. Therefore, a build of Qt 4 using Visual Studio 2012 would be very nice for us. If there is no intention of releasing a 2012 build, then we will go ahead and build it ourselves. Any help is very much appreciated!!

Thank You,

To be fond of something is better than merely to know it, and to find joy in it is better than merely to be fond of it. -- The Analects, Confucius

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