[Interest] Creating Installer for custom Build of Qt

Michael Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 01:29:38 CEST 2013


I finally got this to work and let alone able to create a custom installer for my Qt 4.8.4 build BUT I am also including all my support libraries (HDF5, Boost, Eigen, CMake, DOxygen, Qwt) so now my developers have EVERYTHING they need to compile our sources in one place. The installer is lacking all the license things but I'll work through that next week. For now I was able to test our builds against my home grown SDK installer and they seem to work just fine.

   Looking through the Wiki about how to configure and build Qt I see that there seems to be NO need to have a very long build path for windows? Can someone verify this? Otherwise I'll need to rebuild my Qt with a much longer path.

Thanks again for everyone's patience over the last few days while I whined and complained. I now have the tools that I need to move forward more rapidly.

Mike Jackson

On Apr 11, 2013, at 11:25 AM, Jenssen Tim wrote:

>> This has changed since the Qt 4 days then. All of this is very helpful BUT is the same information available for Qt 4? We use Qt 4.8.4 and are not ready to move to Qt 5 yet.
>> Since I am not building WebKit looks like my life might actually be easier making the installer.
> The installer framework was used for Qt4 at Nokia times (Nokia QtSDK) so it should work.
> Just download the installer framework and install it: http://releases.qt-project.org/qt-installer-framework/1.3.0/
> Compile your Qt how you need it. (remove unneeded files '*.prl', '*.app', '*.exp', '*.ilk', '*.pdb', *.obj, debugging inside Qt is not working anyway)
> Then
> create a directory "my_qt" and inside that:
> directory "meta" and inside that 
> file package.xml:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <Package>
>    <DisplayName>My Qt</DisplayName>
>    <Description>my special Qt for you</Description>
>    <Version>4.8.4-1</Version>
>    <ReleaseDate>2013-04-11</ReleaseDate>
>    <Script>installscript.js</Script>
> </Package>
> file installscript.js:
> // constructor
> function Component()
> {
> }
> Component.prototype.createOperations = function()
> {
>    component.createOperations();
>    var patchMode;
>    if (installer.value("os") == "win")
>        patchMode = "windows";
>    if (installer.value("os") == "x11")
>        patchMode = "linux";
>    if(installer.value("os") == "mac")
>        patchMode = "mac";
>    // last empty argument is a workaround to enable Qt4 patching,
>    // it is fixed after the last release of the ifw (Mea culpa!)
>    component.addOperation("QtPatch", patchMode, "@TargetDir@/my_special_qt", "");
> }
> Then create a "data" directory on the same level like the meta one and inside that you need to copy your Qt directory "my_special_qt".
> Then you need a installer config.xml somewhere ... using the one from the ifw example is ok:
> QtIFW-1.3.0/bin/binarycreator --offline-only -t QtIFW-1.3.0/bin/installerbase -c QtIFW-1.3.0/examples/tutorial/config/config.xml -p <path_where_my_qt_is> -i my_qt my_special_qt_installer
> Ready is your own simple qt installer.<my_qt.7z>

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