[Interest] The curious case of the disappearing rich text...

Bob Hood bhood2 at comcast.net
Mon Apr 15 18:43:21 CEST 2013

I'm editing a form using both QtCreator and Qt Designer(both based on Qt
4.8.3).  I add a label, edit its "rich text", and then save the form to disc. 
After I compile it, the rich text displays properly.  However, if I
subsequently re-open that form in either of these two programs, the rich text
of the label is summarily discarded:

The WinMerge panel on the left is the form on disc (that compiles and displays
properly).  On the right is the form after I load it into QtCreator or Qt
Designer and save it back out to a different name (no modifications made).

Is this a known issue with these versions?  I have not tried the 5.x version
of QtCreator to see if it continues to throw away rich text like this.
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