[Interest] QTreeWidget Auto Scroll

Joseph W Joshua joshua at megvel.me.ke
Sat Aug 17 07:56:49 CEST 2013

On Friday, 16 August 2013 04:08:31 EAT, Tony Rietwyk wrote:
> Basically, you can connect the valueChange signal of one scroll bar to 
> setValue of the other two.  But this is usually not enough - people want
> changes to any of the 3 scroll bars to be reflected in the other two.  
> hard part is preventing signals from continually firing (signal 
> This is best done by using an intermediate QObject based controller
> connected to all 3 scroll bars.   The tree widgets will also need to be
> exactly the same size (as well as number of items) - otherwise you need 
> take the different range values into consideration.  
> Regards, 
> Tony
Hi Tony,

Thanks for your reply. Let me try this and see.

The QTreeWidgets all have the same number of items.


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