[Interest] Slider value question

Tomasz Olszak olszak.tomasz at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 15:53:18 CET 2013

2013/12/6 Damian Ivanov <damianatorrpm at gmail.com>

> Sry again, it worked, but now
>                     Slider {id:opacitySlider; minimumValue:30;
> maximumValue:100; stepSize:1; }
>                     Binding {target:testSettings;
> property:"testOpacity"; value:opacitySlider.value} }
> this works no loop, but the slider is by default set to 0.0 but the
> initial value should represent: testSettings.testOpacity
> How is that achieved?
> 2013/12/6 Damian Ivanov <damianatorrpm at gmail.com>:

Slider {
id: opacitySlider
Component.onCompleted: opacitySlider.value = testSettings.testOpacity
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