[Interest] qt5 compiling errors using Mingw(x64) on Windows7

Nicolas Alvarez nicolas.alvarez at gmail.com
Tue Dec 10 17:26:58 CET 2013

Xiaolei Shang <xiaolei.shang <at> cobham.com> writes:
>     Hi all:
>       I am trying to compiling Qt5.2.0 using MinGW(x64) on windows7
>       following the instruction: http://qt-project.org/wiki/MinGW-64-bit
>       After checking out using git, I initilize it with:
>     perl
>         init-repository
>         --no-webkit
>         When I configure Qt, I use this:
>     configure
>         -debug-and-release -opensource -confirm-license -platform
>         win32-g++ -developer-build -c++11 -icu -opengl desktop -openssl
>         -qt-sql-mysql -plugin-sql-mysql -plugin-sql-odbc
>         -qt-style-windowsxp -qt-style-windowsvista -nomake examples
>         -nomake testsI can't find anything wrong
>       with it, but I still get the following errors while compiling.
>       Could anyone help me to point out why these errors generated? How
>       should I fix it? ./.obj\debug_shared\YarrInterpreter.o: In function
>       undefined reference to 
`JSC::Yarr::newlineCreate()'./.obj\debug_shared\YarrInterpreter.o: In 
>       undefined reference to 
`JSC::Yarr::wordcharCreate()'./.obj\debug_shared\YarrPattern.o: In function
>       undefined reference to 
`JSC::Yarr::digitsCreate()'./.obj\debug_shared\YarrPattern.o: In function
>       undefined reference to 
`JSC::Yarr::spacesCreate()'./.obj\debug_shared\YarrPattern.o: In function
>       undefined reference to 
`JSC::Yarr::nondigitsCreate()'./.obj\debug_shared\YarrPattern.o: In function
>       undefined reference to 
`JSC::Yarr::nonspacesCreate()'./.obj\debug_shared\YarrPattern.o: In function
>       undefined reference to `JSC::Yarr::nonwordcharCreate()'collect2.exe: 
error: ld returned 1 exit statusMakefile.Debug:498: recipe for target
>       'D:\Qt\qt5.2.0\qt5\qtbase\lib\Qt5Qmld.dll' failedmingw32-make[4]: 
>       [D:\Qt\qt5.2.0\qt5\qtbase\lib\Qt5Qmld.dll] Error 1mingw32-make[4]: 
Leaving directory
>       'D:/Qt/qt5.2.0/qt5/qtdeclarative/src/qml'
>       Kind regards
>       Xiaolei

To compile qtdeclarative you need to install Python and make sure it's in 
the %PATH%.

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