[Interest] General QTimer question

Harish Surana surana4u at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 14:44:47 CET 2013

I would say change your approach little bit:

1. Create only 3 instance of QWebView
2. Whenever QTimer shots change content of QWebView and show them.
3. After they are finished displaying content hide them.
4. repeat step 2 and 3

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Jason Kretzer <Jason at gocodigo.com> wrote:

> Good Morning!
> This is more a general question about the behavior of QTimer followed by a
> more specific instance of the question.
> What can make a QTimer not timeout()?  In a general sense, what can make
> it miss its firing?
> That was the general question.  My specific situation:
> I display 3 QWebViews.  They are to be displayed on different parts of a
> screen for 20 seconds.  The 20 seconds is arbitrary, they could have
> different durations.  I have a QTimer that fires every second.  During any
> given second any of the three QWebViews can be triggered to start to
> display.  During each timeout of the QTimer, a slot is called which does
> the following
> {
> ALL content(html) that is supposed to start during this second are pulled
> from a QMultiMap.  There can be several – up to 3.
> A for loop is used to iterate over them and show them as below.
> They are loaded into a QWebView, geometry is set on the QWebView.
> QWebView is shown
> A SingleShot timer is set up to deleteLater the QWebView after the
> duration has expired.
> }
> In the case where durations for the content are all the same – lets say
> 20seconds – the QWebViews are basically synched up where they all start and
> stop on the same second.  Then the second right after they stop, they all
> three start up again.
> Here is where the weirdness starts:  exactly every 1 minute, the QTimer
> which is supposed to fire every 1 second stops firing for 20-22seconds.  At
> the beginning of that time, the three QWebViews finish their previous time
> and leave as expected.  Then, nothing for 20-22 seconds.  The screen where
> they are supposed to be is blank.  I put qDebugs in the firing slot so I
> could see when it was being called but nothing.  I don’t see qDebug
> messages from anywhere else either during that time.  Like clockwork
> though, after the 20-22seconds of nothing, the QTimer starts firing again
> and repeats.
> So, generally, what can keep a QTimer from firing like that?  I don’t have
> any processes that run every 1 minute like that.  Also, I am asking the
> QTimer to fire every 1 second – it is not like I am trying to get 10ms
> precision here.
> If it makes any difference, this is a win7 pro OS.
> Ideas?  I was intentionally a bit vague above as I am just asking for
> things to look for so that I can discover the answer on my own instead of
> just being given the answer.
> Thanks!
> -Jason
> *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*
> *Jason R. **Kretzer*
> *Application Developer*
> *Google # 606-887-9011*
> *Cell # 606-792-0079*
> *Jason at gocodigo.com* <Jason at gocodigo.com>
> *“quidquid latine dictum sit altum videtur”*
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