[Interest] QOpenGLFramebufferObject, render to FBO using texture from another Image item?

Ola Røer Thorsen ola at silentwings.no
Fri Dec 13 14:55:06 CET 2013

Thanks Gunnar,

tried that now and it works!


Den 2013-12-13 12:03, skrev Sletta Gunnar:
> Getting the Image element's textureProvider at the time of 
> QQuickFrameBufferObject::synchronize should give you a 
> QSGTextureProvider for that image, assuming that the Image.status == 
> Ready. This is the same mechanism that ShaderEffect uses internally as 
> well. You are not supposed to use the item on the render thread. That 
> is unsafe and will lead to crashes. The texture provider is the right 
> thing.
> cheers,
> Gunnar
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Fra:* interest-bounces+gunnar.sletta=digia.com at qt-project.org 
> [interest-bounces+gunnar.sletta=digia.com at qt-project.org] på vegne av 
> Ola Røer Thorsen [ola at silentwings.no]
> *Sendt:* 12. desember 2013 15:34
> *To:* interest at qt-project.org
> *Emne:* [Interest] QOpenGLFramebufferObject, render to FBO using 
> texture from another Image item?
> I recently discovered the new way of doing render-to-FBO in Qt 5.2.0. 
> It's a major improvement compared with what had to be done previously, 
> I think! :-)
> However I have run into something tricky as I want to do something 
> more advanced:
> I need to render some textured geometry into an FBO. The use-case is 
> something similar to correcting for lens artifacts in a photograph, 
> and the geometry is too advanced for using the Shadereffect items 
> (can't use a regular mesh grid).
> The texture is loaded from a .jpg file on disk. The image is rather 
> large, so I want to use similar mechanisms as used by the Quick2 Image 
> item (cache, asynchronous loading, etc).
> It's not a good idea to use the internals from qquickimage, so I 
> thought of doing something similar to what the Shadereffectsource item 
> does, by using the texture created by an Image item. This way, I can 
> re-use all the advanced things the Image item does internally for 
> loading an image.
> I have now got a class inheriting QQuickFramebufferObject. It has a 
> sourceItem property, which holds a QQuickItem*. In my QML code, i set 
> this to be a Image item.
> Image {
>    id: rawImage
>    source: "picture.jpg"
>    visible: false
>    asynchronous: true
>    onStatusChanged: {
>       (status === Image.Ready) {
>          fboRender.updateTexture(); // this calls "update();" on the 
> item in c++
>       }
>    }
> }
> MyFboRenderer {
>    id: fboRender
>    sourceItem: rawImage
> }
> In c++, I now need to safely pass the texture eventually found in the 
> sourceItem to my QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer. This has to be 
> thread-safe in every way. As the Image and FBO render items in QML are 
> to be used in model view delegates, they are created and deleted runtime.
> Any hints on how to accomplish this would be very welcome!
> Things I've found so far are:
> - calling "sourceItem()->textureProvider()->texture()" from the 
> renderer's "synchronize" function returns "0" even if synchronize was 
> triggered as result of an update called when the image has completed 
> loading.
> - calling the same from the render-function gives a texture valid 
> texture, and this sortof works, but there is no obvious safe way of 
> accessing "sourceItem" at this point. I've tried to store a pointer to 
> either the source item or the QQuickFramebufferObject, but both of 
> these might be deleted/invalid when render() is called and crashes do 
> happen.
> Cheers
> Ola

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