[Interest] Plastique style & stylesheets

Christoph Feck christoph at maxiom.de
Mon Dec 23 13:08:13 CET 2013

On Monday 23 December 2013 12:17:34 Etienne Sandré-Chardonnal wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use the plastique style and change its colors to a
> dark theme.
> However, simply doing :
> QWidget
> {
>     color: #b1b1b1;
>     background-color: #323232;
> }
> Messes several things including scrollbars:
> [image: Images intégrées 1]
> As you can see, the double arrow in the bottom is removed, the
> round corners are lost, etc... So it seems that plastique is not
> fully stylable.
> Is there a workaround, or a more customizable style in Qt4? Or is
> it time to switch to Qt5 and fusion?

First, why not simply let the user decide about the color theme? Is 
hardcoding colors a new trend?

Second, style sheets _are_ a workaround. They are not meant to create 
a custom style. Subclass QStyle instead, if you want to do your own 

And last, do not expect changes in Qt5 regarding style sheets.

Christoph Feck
KDE Quality Team
openSUSE Review Team

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