[Interest] Qt5-android: fail to lauch qt5 program in android emulator
jian_liang at cdv.com
Mon Dec 30 06:35:15 CET 2013
Hello everyone, I am recently doing some reseach about Qt5-android, For now I can't launch qt5 program in QtCreator 3.0
I have successfully built the latest qt5 source for android, I got the latest release branch source using git which is nearly the same as qt5.2 official release and I am using ubuntu 12.04 to build it using the following command:
./configure --prefix=../../qt5-sdk-android-arm-debug -developer-build -xplatform android-g++ -nomake tests -nomake examples -android-ndk /home/jianliang/android/android-ndk-r9c -android-sdk /home/jianliang/android/android-sdk-linux -android-ndk-host linux-x86_64 -android-toolchain-version 4.8 -skip qttranslations -skip qtwebkit -skip qtserialport -skip qtwebkit-examples -skip qtquick1 -skip qt3d -skip qtjsondb -skip qtsystems -skip qtwayland -no-warnings-are-errors -D QT_OPENGL_FORCE_SHADER_DEFINES
make -j 4
make install
After building has finished, qt5 will be installed to /home/jianliang/qt5-sdk-android-arm-debug, then I open qtcreator 3.0 to configure android related options:
Android Configurations: /home/jianliang/android/android-sdk-linux
Android NDK location: /home/jianliang/android/android-ndk-r9c
Ant location: /usr/bin/ant
JDK location: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk
Then I add a Qt Version using the qmake located in /home/jianliang/qt5-sdk-android-arm-debug/bin/qmake and add a build kit using the qt version I have created, every thing looks fine.
To test qt android I open an example project such as qtdeclarative/examples/quick/scenegraph/textureinthread/textureinthread.pro, I build it without any problem and the libtextureinthread.so was successfully generated, but when I press Run button to lauch the program it failed, the log message says:
/home/jianliang/android/android-sdk-linux/tools/ant/build.xml:653: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/jianliang/android/android-sdk-linux/tools/ant/build.xml:698: null returned: 127
Total time: 2 seconds
Building the android package failed!
-- For more information, run this command with --verbose.
It seems that the android package build process has failed due to something related to ant, I use ant shipped with ubuntu 12.04, I don't know what is wrong with my configuration, I need some help, thanks!
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