[Interest] QSqlTableModel and transactions

Petric Frank pfrank at gmx.de
Sun Jan 6 07:09:31 CET 2013

Hello Mark,

Am Freitag, 4. Januar 2013, 13:23:59 schrieb Petric Frank:
> > > NB.: If i do a revert or select call on QSqlDatabase having
> > > un-submitted data after the rollback i get a 'Vector index out of
> > > range' trap from inside the qt-lib. This might be a coding error of
> > > me. But if anyone has a similar experience and could give me a helping
> > > hand ...
> > > I am actually on the way of tracking down this issue.
> > > 
> > > I currently use Qt 4.8.4 and gcc 4.5.4 on Linux (x86_64).
> > > The database server is MariaDB 5.5.23
> > 
> > The scenario you describe is not completely clear to me. If you can
> > reproduce and isolate the problem, it would probably be best to file a
> > bug report, preferably with a simple demo.
> Will do. Somewhere inside the QSortFilterProxyModel/dataChanged it accesses
> a column too far (table has 15 columns, the vector index used is 15 - one
> too much).

Created bug report QTBUG-28961 (https://bugreports.qt-


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