[Interest] Qt5 on MacOS X: State of the Toolbar

Sensei senseiwa at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 11:07:38 CET 2013

On 1/24/13 5:07 PM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> As far as I understood the qtmacextras module will stay as it is,
> except that its going to be released as part of Qt in one of the next
> feature releases.So if you don't want to stick to Qt4.8 forever you'll
> have to extend your dependencies to include the qtmacextras module at
> some point.

Hi Andreas,

I know that qtmacextras is and will remain external, and it is said to 
be a wasp nest to maintain.

I just wanted to have a possible timeline when toolbars on the Mac will 
have a "native look and feel". Personally, I don't think having a 
separate class, e.g., QMacToolBar, is a great thing, nor it is calling a 
Mac-related method like I am doing in Qt 4.8. I'd like to just use the 
QToolBar class, that would be a great deal to me.

And I know it's better to complete APIs first, I completely agree. 
Again, it's not the priority: it's the scheduling that is obscure, at 
least to me.

By the way, yes, I am sticking with 4.8 until I will have Qt support the 
toolbars without external codes (major problem) and retina displays... I 
just bought a new MacBook Pro/Retina, and I'd like to have crisp icons :)


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