[Interest] QGLView inside QQuickItem

Federico J. Fernández federico.fernandez at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 13:30:01 CEST 2013

We're in the process of moving our application UI from QWidgets to QtQuick,
and the main challenge at the moment is embedding a class derived from
QGLView into the QML application.

We tried a workaround documented
here<http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/23300/> but
are having many issues, mostly related to calls of the paintGL/initializeGL
functions from the main QT thread (opposed to the calls from the QML
application renderer). We are still using a QGuiApplication class because
of some dependencies in our code. Is that completely forbidden in the QML

Additionally, we are also experiencing issues when we set parameters to the
QGLCamera embedded in the QGLView.

I was just wondering if there are any pointers regarding existing or
planned strategies to embed a QGLView inside a QML application. Any
experience on this..?

Thanks in advance!

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