[Interest] Qt Service Framework- Will it ever be a part of Qt again?

Karl Ruetz karl.ruetz at ruetzdogz.com
Thu Jul 18 22:29:31 CEST 2013


We are also using QtService in a commercial product. I have informed
some Digia personnel in the past that we would appreciate having it back
in the mainstream of Qt for use under the commercial license. 

I am not
clear what the appropriate venue is for commercial license holders to
make technical roadmap requests. We have several. But I hesitate to gum
up this list or the Qt Developer's list with these requests. 


Soto Technologies 

On 2013-07-18 14:21, Lorn Potter wrote: 

On 09/07/2013, at 4:46 AM, "Miller, Doug" <dmiller at JFTI.com> wrote:

>> Since Qt5 Alpha we have been working with the Qt Service Framework.
By the time Qt5 Beta 2 came out our whole product base (which is large)
was using it. We saw many advantages to using it.
> I'd like to hear
more about this.
>> If it had been able to stay with the Qt
mainstrean I'm sure there would been additional improvenments to it. But
now Qt5.1 has been released without it and I see no plans in the near
future to add it back into the mainstream. I know that, for sure, that
there are business reasons (i.e. lack of manpower/money) why it has not
been picked up again. Here are my questions. Does Digia see an added
value in having the Service Framework? If manpower/money were not an
issue would the Service Framework be brought back in or would there be
anther implementation to provide it functionality? I'm thinking that if
it has business and technical merit then there is hope for it, and
therefore I will continue using it. Please provide some feedback that I
can use in my decision making.
> Alex has started making backlogs for
the modules not included. Perhaps you want to start one for
> See this one for QSystemInfo:
https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-31624 [2]
> I don't
see one for service framework yet.
[3]It's really a question of developer interest and finding someone to
maintain/work on it.
> I'm glad to hear someone is using this module,
and I am glad you spoke up about it before it really went away.

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