[Interest] MVC question (using QNetworkConfiguration/QNetworkSession)

Aaron McCarthy mccarthy.aaron at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 02:50:52 CEST 2013


On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 10:38:48 AM Christian Gagneraud wrote:
> I'm building a simple GUI for evaluating QNetworkConfigurationManager,
> QNetworkConfiguration and QNetworkSession.
> The goal is to evaluate the usability of these 3 classes and the
> performance/reactivity of the underlying network manager (connman on
> GNU/Linux desktop and embedded device)
> I'm running XUbuntu 13.04, later migrated to KDE.
> I first used Qt-4.8.4/connman-1.10  shipped with Ubunutu, but as it
> didn't work very well, I ended up using manually built Qt-5.1+ and
> connman 1.16+ (I got rid of any network manager using apt-get 
> Later I will have to run this on an embedded device (same techno as the
> BeagleBone Black), ideally using the Yocto project [1] (ex 
> My GUI is really simple and looks like this:
> +---------------------------------------+
> |            manager details            |
> | 
> | [update]                              |
> +-----------+---------------------------+
> |           |   configuration details   |
> | 
> | conf list |                           |
> | 
> |           | [create session]          |
> +-----------+---------------------------+
> |           |   session details         |
> | 
> | session   |                           |
> | list      |[open] [close] [stop] [del]|
> +-----------+---------------------------+
> |            Logger view                |
> +---------------------------------------+
> For now, the 2 lists are bare QListView, the XXX details are views
> implemented as "specialised" widgets (QFrame) and they all have a
> setModel() method: managerView->setModel(manager),
> configurationView->setModel(configuration), ...
> And I have implemented a ConfigurationListModel to go with the list view
> (SessionListModel will come later on)
> I have connected
> configurationListView->selectionModel()->selectionChanged() signal to 
> a configurationView->setModel(), this works fine.
> Now I have to deal with the fact that configurations can change their
> properties, this is indicated by the manager emiting the
> configurationChanged() signal. (QNetworkConfiguration are lightweight
> object and don't have propertyChanged() signals)
> So basically i have to do a configurationView()->setModel() when the
> currently selected configuration has changed somehow.
> My question is not about how to do this - this is obviously doable -,
> but rather: In this kind of scenario, what is the Best Way (tm) to do
> this kind of things?

Your ConfigurationListModel should update in repose to the configuration 
changed signals from QNetworkConfigurationManager. You should not 
need to change the model assigned to the configurationView. Instead in 
response to the signals:

configurationAdded() add a new row to your model 

configurationRemoved() remove a row from your model 

configurationChanged() update row and emit dataChanged() signal.


Aaron McCarthy
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