[Interest] QTimer and QThread

Tomasz Olszak olszak.tomasz at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 11:20:10 CEST 2013

2013/7/31 Alexander Syvak <alexander.svk at gmail.com>

> Here's the snippet below from implementation of the run method. The class
> inherits a class inheriting QThread.
> ...
>        screenshot_qtmr = new QTimer;//(this);
>     screenshot_qtmr->moveToThread(this);
>     qDebug() << connect(screenshot_qtmr, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(on_screenshot_timeout()));
>     qDebug() << connect(this, SIGNAL(kill_tmr()), screenshot_qtmr, SLOT(stop()));
>     screenshot_qtmr->start(freq*1000);
>     anal_qmr = new QTimer;//(this);
>     anal_qmr->moveToThread(this);
>     qDebug() << connect(anal_qmr, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(on_analize_timeout()));
>     qDebug() << connect(this, SIGNAL(kill_tmr()), anal_qmr, SLOT(stop()));
>     anal_qmr->start(state_analizer_tmr_interval);
>     if ( !state_analizer_tmr_id ) return;
>     exec();    while ( !stop );
> }
> Here's an ouput
> run() "./13_7_31_10_49_2_974"
> "./13_7_31_10_49_2_974 exists"
> "./13_7_31_10_49_2_974 has 'write' permission for other"
> "./13_7_31_10_49_2_974/S0 directory was created"
> true
> true
> true
> true
> run() "./13_7_31_10_49_2_974"
> "./13_7_31_10_49_2_974 exists"
> "./13_7_31_10_49_2_974 has 'write' permission for other"
> "./13_7_31_10_49_2_974/S1 directory was created"
> true
> true
> true
> true
> It never enters those method specified on timeout(). Why?
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Did you check value of state_analizer_tmr_interval?

Anyway I strongly suggest to read some docs before using QThread:

and this:

Subclassing QThread is often error prone and bad (not Qt way) design.

regards Tomasz Olszak
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