[Interest] Qt4 QODBCDriver class and header file no longer in Qt5?

Sergio Ahumada sergio.ahumada at digia.com
Wed Jul 31 16:24:42 CEST 2013

On 07/31/2013 03:24 PM, Niels Dekker wrote:
> Using Qt 4.8.4, we do:
>    #include <QtSql/QODBCDriver>
>    #include <QtSql/QSqlDatabase>
>    ....
>    QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(new QODBCDriver);
> This code no longer compiled when we tried to upgrade from Qt 4.8.4 to 
> Qt 5.1 (using qt-windows-opensource-5.1.0-msvc2010-x86-offline.exe), 
> because the <QtSql/QODBCDriver> header wasn't there anymore.
> Has the QODBCDriver class intentionally been removed from Qt 5, or did 
> we possibly install Qt 5 incorrectly?
> Kind regards,
>    Niels


I think those headers were made private in Qt 5.1 (they were public by

Anyways, what if you do something like:

QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC");

Sergio Ahumada
Release Engineer - Digia, Qt

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