[Interest] Qt Quick 2.0 Desktop Components ScollBar

Nils Jeisecke njeisecke at saltation.de
Fri Mar 1 19:00:01 CET 2013


thanks, but the following code does not work:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtDesktop 1.0 as Desktop

Rectangle {
  width: 360
  height: 360

  Desktop.ScrollArea {
    anchors.fill: parent
    ListView {
      anchors.fill: parent
      model: 10
      delegate: Text { text: modelData }

I'm quite a bit behind (0ab3b717e97b5f03f5964b6b5629c7a87bc45a43)
because I have not yet
updated to Qt 5.1 (dev). So ScrollView is still named ScrollArea here.
Is that supposed to work nevertheless?


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