[Interest] Thread stopped, signal ignored

Etienne Sandré-Chardonnal etienne.sandre at m4x.org
Wed Mar 20 17:53:14 CET 2013

Dear all,

I'm currently using a QThread with a QObject pushed in it using
moveToThread. The QObject is basically a network server of class
NetworkServer, it has a close() slot that closes the QTcpServer and
outputs a "Port closed" message to the console.
In my main thread, I have a signal "closeServer()" connected to the
"close()" port of the NetworkServer

I am doing this:

QThread * thread= new QThread();
MyObject * myObject = new MyObject ();

connect(this, SIGNAL(testMessage()), myObject, SLOT(message()));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), myObject, SLOT(deleteLater()));


...... later on ......

emit testMessage();

Finally, the slot MyObject::message() is never executed (no console output)
I thought that the slot execution would be queued and executed before
the thread quits, do you know why this doesn't work?

My example



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