[Interest] QTableView

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Wed Mar 27 10:02:03 CET 2013


First of all, please don't hijack somebody elses thread. Create a 
completely new message to the list instead of a reply in which you just 
edit the subject line. You're messing up threading.

Op 27-3-2013 6:43, pengliang(??) schreef:
> Hi All
>          QtableView display sql table.
> But I want to merge data of two columns in sql table to one column in 
>  QtableView.
> Eg:
> Sql table:
> 1       2       3       4       5       6
> Aa    bb     cc     dd     ee     ff
> Gg    hh     ii       jj       kk     ll
> QtableView
> 1               2                3
> Aabb         ccdd          eeff
> Gghh         iijj               kkll
> I want to design a Sql Model for QtableView,but I don't know how to do it!
> Anybody has good idea?
Either do the merge in SQL, or create a proxy model to do the merge for you.


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