[Interest] Default delegate with QTableView and QSqlTableModel

Tr3wory tr3w at freemail.hu
Thu Mar 28 15:50:11 CET 2013

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 11:18 AM, André Somers <andre at familiesomers.nl> wrote:
> For your case, I think I would make a simple proxy model based on
> QIdentityProxyModel that adapts the data type from longlong to int when
> possible and where desirable. That should only take a couple of loc. I don't
> think it will be easy to coax the driver into using int instead of longlong.
> André

The QIdentityProxyModel works like a charm, except:
- for empty table (rows()==0) the header is wrong
- when the program starts the header is also wrong until I click on it.

For the first, the workaround works from the bug report.
Do anybody have any idea for the second?


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