[Interest] Turn off default window hints in X11 using Qt5

Pritam Ghanghas Pritam_Ghanghas at infosys.com
Thu May 9 09:43:33 CEST 2013


I think you will have to pass some more flags. Qt::CustomizeWindowHints ony allows you to modify other flags.
for example to get a frameless dialog I use the following
setWindowFlags(windowFlags() | Qt::Dialog | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);

You can use what ever suits you like setFlags(Qt::CustomizeWindowHint & ~Qt::WindowTitleHint) or something else whatever suits your needs

From: interest-bounces+pritam_ghanghas=infosys.com at qt-project.org [interest-bounces+pritam_ghanghas=infosys.com at qt-project.org] on behalf of Ramakanthreddy_Kesireddy [Ramakanthreddy_Kesireddy at mahindrasatyam.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 12:15 PM
To: interest at qt-project.org
Subject: [Interest] Turn off default window hints in X11 using Qt5

Hi ,

My application uses QQuickview which is a QWindow in Qt5.0.

I would like to turn off default window hints like title,systemmenu,minimize,maximize and close button hints.

I tried using setFlags(Qt::CustomizeWindowHint) to turn off default window hints but still minimize,maximize,close,title and system menu gets displayed on window.

Please let me know the solution in this regard.




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