[Interest] QCamera and QCameraViewFinder

Joshua Grauman jnfo at grauman.com
Sat Nov 9 03:07:54 CET 2013

Thanks so much.

I may be missing something, but is there an easy way to convert 
QVideoFrame to QImage? I can't see one.

Also note that the Qt example code also has this problem:

also note that the basic code I posted was example code from Qt 



> Oh, I overlooked the code sample you provided.
> You should listen to the imageAvailable() signal instead of 
> imageCaptured(). What you get from imageCaptured() is just a preview, 
> it's emitted right after the camera sensor captured the image but at 
> this point the final image is not processed yet. That final image is 
> provided by imageAvailable(). You'll notice it's a QVideoFrame and 
> you'll have to convert it to a QImage if that's what you need.
> Yoann Lopes
> Senior Software Engineer - Digia, Qt
> Visit us on: http://qt.digia.com
> On Nov 5, 2013, at 7:09 PM, Joshua Grauman wrote:
> Sorry, I'm using Qt5.2beta under Linux.
> Josh
> Which platform are you on?
> Yoann Lopes
> Senior Software Engineer - Digia, Qt
> Visit us on: http://qt.digia.com
> On Nov 5, 2013, at 7:14 AM, Joshua Grauman wrote:
> Hello all,
> I setup a basic use of QCamera and QCameraViewFinder that work fine. I
> just used the basic example in the docs to capture an image like this:
> camera->searchAndLock();      //on half pressed shutter button
> imageCapture->capture();      //on shutter button pressed
> camera->unlock();             //on shutter button released
> and had setup the viewfinder and camera like this:
> camera = new QCamera;
> viewFinder = new QCameraViewfinder(picture1);
> viewFinder->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum,QSizePolicy::Maximum);
> viewFinder->setGeometry(picture1->geometry());
> imageCapture = new QCameraImageCapture(camera);
> connect(imageCapture, SIGNAL(imageCaptured(int, const QImage &)), this, SLOT(gotImage(int, const QImage &)));
> camera->setViewfinder(viewFinder);
> imageCapture->setCaptureDestination(QCameraImageCapture::CaptureToBuffer);
> camera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureStillImage);
> Everything works as expected. The problem is with the exposure settings.
> The viewfinder looks how I want it to (properly exposed). But when I
> capture the image, it is under-exposed (very dark). I was hoping to get
> the picture that is taken to have the same exposure settings as the
> viewfinder since it looks fine. Does anyone know why the default settings
> for QCamera would be under-exposed in comparison to the viewfinder?
> Thanks!
> Josh
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