[Interest] QtCreator and Ctrl+Shift bindings

Oleg Shalnev oleg.shalnev at gmail.com
Sun Nov 17 17:24:31 CET 2013

Hello all again.

To tell the truth I don't understand why there is no reaction on thi
May be this problem is not a problem, or it's not interesting to the people
in this list,
or it's a well known feature, or my English is so bad and poor.
I have no idea.

2013/11/14 Oleg Shalnev <oleg.shalnev at gmail.com>

> Hello all.
> By default QtCreator use some Ctrl+Shift bindings, but Ctrl+Shift is one
> of well known
> and very popular keysequence for changing keyboard layout.
> Even I remove all sequences with Ctrl+Shift in the beginning, after typing
> Ctrl+Shift
> I lost my first letter every time I switch layout.
> Is it possible to fix this situation? May be I must know some magic to fix
> this.
> Thank's a lot.
> --
> Oleg Shalnev         (Kalpa Project)
> ----------------------------------------------
> mailto: oleg at kalpa.ru
> skype:  oleg_shalnev
> cell    :  +79187417217

Oleg Shalnev         (Kalpa Project)
mailto: oleg at kalpa.ru
skype:  oleg_shalnev
cell    :  +79187417217
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