[Interest] Qt Installer Framework - Adding custom generated file to the installation

Michael Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 20:54:26 CET 2013

I am very new to QtInstallerFramework but I have successfully created an installer for my project where I package a bunch of precompiled binaries so my developers do not have to build them. The convenience I would like to add to the installer is the ability to generate a simple text file with the values of where things got installed. I have been trying to find some tutorials and working through the documentation but I am coming up a bit short.

It looks like for each Package I need to add a bit in the config.xml file to setup a .js script file. Inside the script file I am a bit perplexed what to do?
function Component()

Component.prototype.createOperations = function()

	component.addOperation("AppendFile" , "@TargetDir@/CMakeCache.txt", "set(BOOST_ROOT \"@TargetDir@/boost-1.55.0\")");

So that works. Can I have a "top level" script file that initially creates the file? I need to ensure that the file is written in a specific order. I tried adding a <Script></Script> section to the top level config file but that just threw errors.

Any help is much appreciated.
Mike Jackson                            BlueQuartz Software
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