[Interest] Windows segfault, but not on Linux

Etienne Sandré-Chardonnal etienne.sandre at m4x.org
Thu Nov 21 19:15:05 CET 2013

Hey, that's using a tank for killing a bug. Why not std::atomic<int> or
QAtomicInt ? In heavy cases (such as mine...) that's a huge performance
issue and code is also lighter.

2013/11/21 Konrad Rosenbaum <konrad at silmor.de>

> Hint 2: never assume something as innocuous as var++ is an atomic
> operation unless it is protected by a Mutex! My most recent hard-to-fix
> on-Windows-only crash was a race between refcnt++ and refcnt-- in a library
> that I didn't even write myself (libtcl).
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