[Interest] How to properly implement a QAbstractListModel with QML transition support?

Mark Gaiser markg85 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 22:52:08 CET 2013


I have implemented this model [1] and it works fine in both C++
QWidget and QML's ListView.

But when i want to animate insertion/deletion of items using the
ListView add: and remove: transitions then nothing happens. I expect i
need to implement more in the model, but i can't find any
documentation on what should be implemented for that to work.

"some" documentation around this area would be very much welcomed.

A working example of some other QAbstractListModel derived model that
has working add and remove animations/transitions would also be very


[1] https://gitorious.org/kdirchainrebuild/master/source/a909e9ef41a74db7b13cfeeac69e671eeaf2be0c:models/dirlistmodel.cpp#L234

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