[Interest] animation problems

André Somers andre at familiesomers.nl
Tue Nov 26 10:24:37 CET 2013

Mitch Curtis schreef op 26-11-2013 9:59:
> On 11/25/2013 03:30 PM, Nurmi J-P wrote:
>> On 25 Nov 2013, at 14:57, Graham Labdon <Graham.Labdon at avalonsciences.com> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I am trying to animate the movement of one of my widgets
>>> I have a simple Qt app consists of a main window with a label (done in QDesigner)
>>> The code to move the label is
>>>           QPropertyAnimation animation(ui.label,"geometry");
>>>           animation.setDuration(10000);
>>>           animation.setStartValue(ui.label->rect());
>>>           QRect end = QRect(ui.label->rect().x() - 10,ui.label->y() - 10,ui.label->rect().width(),ui.label->rect().height());
>>>           animation.setEndValue(end);
>>>           animation.start();
>>> Now this does move the label but it is move instantly whereas I thought that by specifying a duration , this would be how long it took to do the animation.
>>> I would be grateful if some could explain what I am doing wrong
>> Hi, try allocating the animation on the heap so that it won’t get immediately destructed according to the normal C++ scoping rules.
> Perhaps the documentation shouldn't construct it on the stack if that's
> not how it's meant to be used:
> http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qt5-stable/animation-overview.html#animating-qt-properties
> I can see that the person writing that example probably did it in
> main(), but that's not how most people will be using it. Should I submit
> a patch?
I'm not sure if creating on the heap is the usual pattern either. I 
usually have my animations as members in an object, not created 
separately on the heap.


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