[Interest] QNetworkAccessManager and HTTP persistent connection

iMath 2281570025 at qq.com
Fri Nov 29 02:12:26 CET 2013

I just send another same request to the same host again ,because my download is interrupted during later downloading process ,there is a few minutes between the subsequent request and the last one ,but the connection is still on.

------------------ Original ------------------
From:  "Mandeep Sandhu";<mandeepsandhu.chd at gmail.com>;
Date:  Fri, Nov 29, 2013 00:44 AM
To:  "iMath"<2281570025 at qq.com>; 
Cc:  "interest"<interest at qt-project.org>; 
Subject:  Re: [Interest] QNetworkAccessManager and HTTP persistent connection

On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 12:26 PM, iMath <2281570025 at qq.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your prompt!
> I think I should give my question a clear description.
> The "Connection:keep-alive"  is in the  reply header, when I call close() of
> the reply, the connection is still on ,I wonder how can I send a second
> request to the server using this connection in such  case ?
> If I just simply make a second request like the following
>  manager->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl("url")));

Are you sending your next request to the same host or a different one?
And if it's a different one is it the first request to that host?

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