[Interest] serialization of QStateMachine for recovery mode
iwegner at gmx.de
Thu Oct 10 20:41:55 CEST 2013
Hi list,
we are planning of using QStateMachine (excellent work, guys!) for a
work flow driven application (tasks).
I am thinking of an architecture in which tasks have their own state
machine (QState) that will be connected to the application state machine
(QStateMachine) as sub states. (Has anyone done something like this so
far? ...I guess so!)
I am thinking of separating state machine logic from the implementation
of the actions (e.g. data driven algorithms) that are triggered by
transitions; so a task and a task_state_machine class for each task.
Critical here is the feature to serialize the application state machine
and the intended task state machines as I want to have a fall back if
somebody pulls the plug (crash recovery)! Once the application comes
back on it shall check for a possible crash and if so recover the state
it was in before the crash.
I couldn’t find any documentation / blog / forum question on this so far
so here it is.
Has anybody yet considered doing something similar?
A fall back would be to rebuild the state by analyzing data that was
serialized as regularly done for crash recovery.
But this would make the state machine pattern complex!
Any ideas / experiences?
Best Regards,
..second mail as the first one was cut off because of HTML format
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