[Interest] question about targeting iOS using Qt 5.2 Beta

VStevenP vstevenpavao at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 25 03:22:22 CEST 2013

I'm trying to get my QtQuick2 app running on iOS using the new Qt 5.2 Beta.  I'm developing on a Mac OS 10.7.4 system with Xcode 4.5.1 with Command Line Tools installed.

First, I exported an Xcode project for my QtQuick2 app using qmake, and I was able to build my app using Xcode and run it on Mac OS X.  It works great.

However, when I change the target from Mac OS X to iOS6 in Xcode and rebuild, the build fails because gl.h can not be found.  It has a problem resolving the #  include <OpenGL/gl.h>, despite the fact that the OpenGL.framework is part of the Xcode project.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get past this problem?  I think I'm pretty close to getting my app running in the iPad Simulator, and look forward to running it on an actual iPad soon.

- VStevenP

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